Visual Arts Field Schools

Visual Arts is the only department with an undergraduate field school. Graduate field schools are being discussed.

Undergraduate field school

The Visual Arts undergraduate field school runs through the ART 320 Sculpture course. This is a 4-day field school, with 3 full days spent researching and working at the park. This is a year long course; the trip happens in the Fall semester during reading break.

Students attending the field school are expected to create a sculpture based on their time examining and researching the park and Jeffrey’s works. During the school, they will fabricate small models of their sculptures. Once returned to Victoria, the students will have time to create their sculptures in real size and materials.

Graduate Field Schools

There haven’t been any graduate field schools from Visual Arts. The possibilities for future schools are being discussed.

If you are Visual Arts faculty and want to know more about this, get in touch with us!

jrsp x uvic

UVic Address

3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria, BC,
Canada, V8P 5C2

JRSP Address

2750 Shingle Spit Road
Hornby Island, BC,
Canada, V0R 1Z0

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Jeffrey Rubinoff Sculpture Park