scholarships & Awards
Graduate Scholarships
These are annual scholarships awarded to Fine Arts Graduate students from all five departments. During the Fall semester, each department will nominate a 2 – 4 students. Students must be enrolled full-time and maintain an A- average.
Art History and Visual Studies PhD Fellowship
The original Rubinoff Endowment established a recurring four-year PhD fellowship in the area of modern and contemporary art history, allowing doctoral students exceptional opportunities to study the complexities and richness of modern and contemporary art history. This fellowship is awarded every 4 years (2016, 2020, 2024, etc.) at the start of the academic year.
JRSP Postdoctoral Awards
This is a $7,000 (CAD) award for early career researchers anywhere in the world. It supports research leading to one or more publications on any subject relating to art and knowledge. For information on criteria and applications, please see here.
Graduate Scholarship
Given annually to minimum two Graduate students from each Fine Arts department.
PhD Fellowship
Past Student Award Recipients
Awarded every 4 years to a Art History and Visual Studies PhD candidate.

Jrsp x uvic
UVic Address
3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria, BC,
Canada, V8P 5C2
JRSP Address
2750 Shingle Spit Road
Hornby Island, BC,
Canada, V0R 1Z0