Where is the Jeffrey Rubinoff Sculpture Park?
The park is on Hornby Island, a northern Gulf Island.
What’s the difference between this website and the Rubinoff Sculpture Park website?
The Rubinoff site is run and operated by the park and the Rubinoff Foundation. All content on that site are initiatives and information solely for JRSP – unrelated to UVIC. This site is dedicated to content that is related to UVIC faculty, students, and events.
This is the same for Instagram as well.
As a faculty member, how do I initiate a field school or day trip to JRSP?
All inquiries can be emailed to jrsppc@uvic.ca. The Project Coordinator will be able to answer questions and direct you in the next steps.
As a student, how do I inquire about doing a day trip to JRSP?
All inquiries can be emailed to jrsppc@uvic.ca. From there, we can figure out if a student group trip can be organized or get the student in touch with the park to plan an individual visit.
Where can I find general park information?
You can find any JRSP information on their website at: www.rubinoffsculpturepark.org.
Can i apply for the Rubinoff Graduate Scholarship?
The Rubinoff Graduate Scholarship is not applied for by students. Every year, each department will nominate students in their graduate departments to receive the award. The eligibility requirements are being a full time graduate student and having an A- average. Award recipients are notified November/December of their nominated year.
How do I apply for the Artist Residency?
Information coming soon.
Are there other initiative opportunities for faculty and staff?
Yes! Every academic year there will be funds to support project(s) proposed by Fine Arts faculty and staff. You can submit a project proposal that will be reviewed. The information you’ll need to include and the proposal form are here.
If you have any questions, reach out to jrsppc@uvic.ca.

JRSP x Uvic
UVic Address
3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria, BC,
Canada, V8P 5C2
JRSP Address
2750 Shingle Spit Road
Hornby Island, BC,
Canada, V0R 1Z0